Sunday, February 5, 2012


Thursday -  I don't have class until three on Thursdays so I ran some errands before - sent some post cards and bought some art supplies for my fresco class.  Then I walked to the art building for Installation art.  I was very worried because if this class blew too I wouldn't know whether to drop it or ceramics on Mondays.  However, it was a great class and I made some friends in that class.  We only have one project and we get to use whatever wall space and materials we want.  I'm pretty excited because I think I have a good idea.  It doesn't connect to the theme American Dreamers but I'm sure I can b.s. it somehow. 

Friday - Friday Jess and I got up early to drop classes.  We attempted to run across the bridge to get my course packet for photography however, the man didn't speak any English and sent us away.  I'm not sure what to do.  I'm going to try to go back on Monday to get it and if not I guess I'll tell me professor my troubles with acquiring it.  We also went on some other errands and Jess and Emily stopped for McDonald's on the way back to the apartment.  That night we went to dinner and after Jess and Emily went out.  I stayed in again.  It might be a combination of the cold and the fact that I am a homebody to begin with but I just don't like going out.  I can go to a bar anywhere.  So lately when they go out I stay home and work on homework, read, watch tv shows and movies and talk to people back home.  I hope this doesn't affect my relationship with the two but I guess we'll see.  I don't want them to think I don't want to go out with them.  That's not it at all.  I just don't like going out in general.  I never really have fun and drinking has never been my prerogative. 

Saturday - We were supposed to wake up early and take the train to Pisa but it was extremely cold so instead we slept in.  We wanted to do something so instead we explored Florence.  We went into the Duomo and up to the top!  A walk of 463 stairs both ways but it was worth it.  The view was beautiful and I think being up there really conveys that you are in the Renaissance city.  After we went to Santa Croce, the largest Franciscan church in Europe.  It contains the tombs of Dante, Michelangelo, Galileo and Machiavelli as well as boasts works by everyone from Donatello to Giotto.  This is an amazing place to go even if you aren't a fan of the arts or even Christianity.  However, it can be a little overwhelming when the thought that such great and influential men are buried here and others worked on the church's decoration.  After we came home again and rested.  Jess and Emily went out and I watched How I Met Your Mother and read my new book - Sarah's Key. 

Sunday - I didn't go to bed until three so I didn't wake up until 1pm!  I think I might be coming down with something.  My neck is sore and I'm pretty congested.  I'll be ok.  Today I think we are devoting to homework and other errands.  I need to get back into the swing of doing school work since I have been out of practice since last semester.  I don't feel very well physically or emotionally today.  I miss home a lot and I I'm not trying to isolate myself but its just natural when you are feeling down.  I'm going to keep my mind off things with homework and maybe more reading.


  1. Pictures are amazing. You are so lucky that you get to do this. Love you
